The Japanese have a concept known as Disaster Memory, which delves into a community’s collective experiences during a disaster, compiling and preserving them as cultural memory. It serves as a means for survivors to honor the lives that have been lost as well as to share and pass on valuable information and insights. This concept […]
APRU Multi-Hazards Summer School Day 3: Earthquake Research and Resilience Building
The first two days of the Asia Pacific Rim Universities Multi-Hazards Summer School were full of exciting talks on the social, legislative, and health dimensions of disaster and climate science. On the third day, the discourse shifted to the physical aspects of hazards and disasters, which focused on earthquakes. The Philippines and Japan are exposed […]
APRU Multi-Hazards Summer School Day 2: Role of different stakeholders: Local government, NGO, and Volunteers
The 2nd day of Summer School focused on the role of different stakeholders: local government, NGOs, and volunteers. Ms. Adrian Rojas, the APRU Secretariat, introduced the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). She encouraged the participants to submit their research abstracts in the upcoming events of APRU. Prof. Takako Izumi of the IRIDeS and APRU […]
APRU Multi-Hazards Summer School Day 1: Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Researchers from the UP Resilience Institute (UP RI) Education Division and Institution Building (IB) Division attended the 8th APRU Multi-Hazards Summer School 2023 last July 24-27, 2023, at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Three researchers, (1) Daffodil Cleto (SRS II), (2) Monica Mendoza (SRS I), and (3) Lea […]