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University of the Philippines Resilience Institute

Proactive hub of benchmark innovative information vital to the nation's efforts in climate change mitigation and adaptation

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Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards

Assess how likely are you to be affected by floods, landslides, and storm surges and what you can do about it.

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Institution Building

Improve the capability of the UP System as an agent of change for disaster resilience in the Philippines and the Pacific Rim region

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Research and Creative Work

Undertake policy research, action research, and interdisciplinary research or creative work aimed at producing and applying new knowledge, knowledge solution, or know how on reducing and managing natural disaster-risks in the Philippines..

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Establish non-degree educational programs and support degree programs within the UP System

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University of the Philippines Resilience Institute

Proactive hub of benchmark innovative information vital to the nation's efforts in climate change mitigation and adaptation

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2024 Wrapped: Navigating Hazards with NOAH

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Disaster Experts Call for Action: UPRI Highlights Critical Insights on Preparedness

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