EndCov Tutorials

Endcov.ph is a web portal created to provide the public with vital information and tools in the fight against COVID-19.

The UP Resilience Institute and the UP COVID-19 Pandemic Response Team have launched a new feature in endcov.ph. The video posted below entitled “Which schools are located in areas with no COVID-19 cases?”, shows which public schools in the Philippines are located in areas with or without COVID-19 cases. Background Music (c) “Upbeat and Inspiring Corporate” by MorningLightMusic.

The second video entitled “How to Navigate CITYvsCOVID: Vaxx to the Future”, shows the status of vaccination in your city through the CITYvsCOVID Dashboard at https://endcov.ph/cityvscovid. Background Music: https://www.bensound.com.

The last video entitled “Daily COVID 19 Quickcount DashBoard Guide”, shows the LGU Daily COVID-19 reports for every barangay of the city/municipality.