Behind the Science Podcast: Mainstreaming Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Episode 25 of Behind the Science Podcast explores the more social side of disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) with Chief Science Research Specialist Joy Santiago from the UP Resilience Institute’s NOAH Planning Component.

In the podcast, Ms. Santiago shared how her early fascination with the social sciences led her to pursue geography as her undergraduate degree. This interest eventually inspired her to build a research career. She began as a research assistant at the University of the Philippines and became part of the team that launched Project NOAH. Her research career took off here, and she has since been a part of the project through its various phases of growth and development.

Much of her work involves collaborating with local government units (LGUs) to develop Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs).  Ms. Santiago explained that a CLUP is a blueprint for an LGU’s development strategies, resource allocation, and community growth. Therefore, it is crucial to factor in potential disaster risks and climate change projections to create sustainable and resilient plans. As an Environmental Planner, Ms. Santiago and her multidisciplinary team provide technical support to LGUs, helping them safeguard and efficiently manage their resources for the long-term benefit of their communities.

On the left is Paul Caesar Flores, DSc Earth Science Student at Yokohama National University and coordinator of the Marine & Earth Science Learning Hub. EnP Joy Santiago, Chief Science Research Specialist of the UP NOAH Center Planning Component, is on the right.

Listen to Ms. Santiago’s full story on Behind the Science Podcast, brought to you by the Marine & Earth Science Learning Hub, co-presented by the UP Resilience Institute. In this podcast, we share scientists’ journeys into their fields, how they conduct research, and the path to publishing their work. Tune in and stay updated with the latest episodes here:





📚Research spotlight:

Lagmay, A.M., Santiago, J.T., Mendoza, J.E. (2024). Mainstreaming Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. In: Berse, K.B., Pulhin, J.M., La Viña, A.G.M. (eds) Climate Emergency in the Philippines. Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer, Singapore.

Do you want to nominate a scientist in the field of DRR and geosciences to be featured on the Behind the Science Podcast? Or, have you read an author’s publication whose behind-the-scenes story you are eager to hear about? Email us at, and we will do our best to feature them on the BTS Podcast!