SAFER-U Project Site Visit in Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU) and Samar State University (SSU)



SSU LUDIP Technical Working Group with the UPRI SAFER-U contingent after the presentation of the LUDIP review result

Establishing Safe and Resilient Universities in the Philippines through Risk- and Climate Change-Sensitive Land Use Development and Infrastructure Planning, or the SAFER-U project, is an initiative with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to support 25 partner SUCs in mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation parameters in their respective LUDIPs. As stipulated in RA 11396 or the SUCs LUDIP Act, the document serves as the campus master plan, outlining how to allocate and utilize the land within a campus’ geographic boundaries to provide the facilities and support services needed for academic and non-academic purposes.

NwSSU area inspection for the SAFER-U Project with the NwSSU LUDIP Technical Working Group (photo grabbed from NwSSU Website)

In line with the Project, UP Resilience Institute visited the Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU)  and Samar State University (SSU) last March 27 and 28, respectively. The engagement was done to present the review results of the Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plans (LUDIP) of the SUCs and the outputs produced by the NOAH Center to enhance each SUC’s plans.

SSU Site inspection for the SAFER-U Project with the SSU LUDIP Technical Working Group

The NwSSU and SSU officials and staff warmly welcomed the UP Resilience Institute – SAFER-U contingent composed of SAFER-U co-project leader Dr. Emmanuel Luna, Shelley Anne Medina & Joevie Dela Cruz of the UPRI Education Office, and Kayla Milcah Marasigan & Justine Anne Duka of the UPRI NOAH Center.

Dr. Emmanuel Luna and NOAH representative Ms. Kayla Milcah Marasigan at the location site of the dormitory housing project of the NwSSU (photo grabbed from the NwSSU Website)

The officials of the SUCs conveyed their acceptance of the comments and recommendations provided by the UPRI to enhance the SUCs’ respective LUDIPs.

NOAH representative, Ms. Justine Anne Duka, discussing the framework used for the SSU risk assessment

Video shooting sessions were also conducted in the SUCs. The videos will be part of the process documentation of the SAFER-U Project.

The open forum for the presentation of the NwSSU LUDIP review results as facilitated by Ms. Shelley Medina



Posted by the UP Resilience Institute Education on April 20, 2023