Shaking Grounds: Proposed Hub in UP Diliman for Advanced Earthquake Studies



In a significant step towards advancing earthquake research and enhancing risk management strategies, The UP Resilience Institute (UPRI), UP Diliman College of Engineering (UPD COE), UP Diliman College of Science (UPD CS), National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (NISMED), National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS), and National Institute of Physics (NIP) joined forces to discuss the proposed earthquake research hub in UP Diliman, named UP TREMOR (Timely Research of Earthquakes for Management of Risks) on December 14, 2023, at the UPRI Training Room.

The meeting was attended by:

    • UPRI: Dr. Mahar Lagmay, Hannah Peña, John Christian Cabang, AC Pascual, Marcus Rosales, Denisse Soriano
    • UPD COE: Dean Maria Antonia Tanchuling, Dr. Eric Tingatinga, Dr. Pher Errol Quinay
    • UPD CS, NIP: Dean Giovanni Tapang
    • NISMED: Mr. Eligio Obille Jr., Mr. Anthony Urbano
    • NIGS: Dr. Mario Aurelio, Dr. Noelynna Ramos, Dr. JD Dianala, Sandra Catugas, Paula Jatulan

Among the topics discussed throughout the meeting are the citizen science seismic network ( and the development Shake Table (earthquake ground motion simulator) both currently in experimental stages.

Opportunities for collaboration among Colleges and Institutes in UP Diliman were also explored and highlighted throughout the meeting.