Taiwan’s Yuan Ye Architect Awards Representatives Visit UPRI Offices

Representatives of the Yuan Ye Architect Awards from Taiwan toured the offices of the University of the Philippines Resilience Institute (UPRI) following UP’s visit to Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The purpose of their visit was to explore potential collaboration with the National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG), School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP), UPRI, and the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners National Capital Regions (PIEP NCR), aligning with the principles of the PAGLINANG forum. During the four-day visit, the Taiwanese representatives initiated discussions on the localization of the Yuan Ye Architect Awards model in the Philippines.


Framing the Philippines-Taiwan Bayanihan Advantages through the Yuan Ye Architect Awards

This article is the fourth and last installment in  a series written about Paglinang: Kaohsiung City Immersion for Navigating and Framing Philippines-Taiwan Bayanihan Advantages. This educational tour, held from 21-27 March 2023, was conducted to deepen the experiential and contextual learning of UP technical staff by immersing them in the practices, culture, and institutions of Kaohsiung City. This activity aimed to strengthen the collaboration between the Philippines and Taiwan, in fulfillment of UNSDG 17: Partnership for the Goals.