On 15 January, Cesca Llanes of UPRI talked about disaster preparedness and volcanic hazards to graduating BS Community Nutrition students from the UP College of Home Economics. The talk was part of a weeklong orientation for the students’ internship in their FN 176 Practicum class. Initially to be deployed in one of the communities near the 14-km radius of Taal volcano, the college decided on the day of the talk to postpone the internship for the safety of the class.
Nevertheless, Ms. Llanes discussed the different terms in disaster preparedness. She showed them examples of events that failed in disaster prevention and events where the disaster was averted. The different natural hazards were then enumerated and briefly discussed, before focusing on volcanic hazards. Tephra fall, lahars, and pyroclastic density currents were the main hazards described, but phenomena related to volcanic eruptions such as fissuring, subsidence, and volcanic earthquakes were also explained. Ms. Llanes briefed them on the different Alert Levels of Taal Volcano and the tsunami, base surge, and ballistic projectile hazard maps released by Phivolcs. After the talk, the students raised a few questions on the alert levels. Possible hazards in their alternate deployment sites were also discussed.